Node & npm

node is a command-line runtime for JavaScript that lets developers run JavaScript on servers rather than in the user's browser.

We won't directly use node in this workshop, but we will use npm (a package manager for node and JavaScript libraries). npm is included with an installation of node.

💻 To install node, you can download the node installer or you can use your system's package manager.

Check that the installation worked by running the following in a new terminal window or session.

node -v
## v13.6.0
npm -v 
## 6.13.4

These are the versions currently installed on my system and the version on your system may not perfectly match the version you see above. If you already have a previous, older version of Node installed, it's probably a good idea to take this opportunity to upgrade.

🆘 If you run into any issues installing node or npm, you can post your troubles and get help in this issue.

Node Version Manager

If you plan to do a lot of development with node and npm, you may want to use a Node Version Manager. nvm is a bash script for macOS or Linux systems and nvm-windows is a similar program for Windows users. The node version manager is used to manage the installation and activation of multiple versions of node on the same system. Follow the instructions on the npm webpage to install node and npm (they come together) and confirm that your installation is working.
