Slides from JavaScript for Shiny UsersJavaScript for Shiny UsersWelcome to js4shinyMonday, January 27Session 1Hello, WWWHow it worksWhat Do HTML, CSS, and JS Do?MotivationMaiden Voyage (How to WWW)Session 2Maiden Voyage (continued: CSS)Session 3OK Computer (Interactivity)Session 4Bringing It All Back Home (Web Dev in R)Bonus MaterialLook Sharp! (Style)Ghost in the Machine (JavaScript)Tuesday, January 28Session 1 - 2The Blueprint (htmlwidgets)Session 3r2d3 with Nick StrayerMothership Connection (Communicating with Shiny)golem with Colin FaySession 4Licensed to Ill (Extending Shiny)Use the dev journalShiny Inputs OverviewCheckbox ActivityDebounceThank youExtrasBreaksWork TimeExtra Bits